Mindful Living through Plants & Wisdom

Advait Vedant

Rage War against your Malign Self | Insight Inside

We love to blame anything and everything for our losses, disappointments and failures.
This has become so natural to us that we seldom take responsibility of our choices.

I’m sure we all make mistakes occasionally and feel cheated but the truth is we cheat ourselves the most.

How many times have you promised yourself to eat healthy, give up drinking, get in shape?
and haven’t you failed all the time.

So, the real progress in getting better begins with accepting the fact that You, are the person not letting you become better.
Acceptance is the first step towards the change.

There’s no need to give longer explanation, excuses, lies. Straight up. Own it.

Now that you have become the owner of your choices, you can deal easily with all the consequences.


Mind invents dummy problems to escape looking at itself

– Acharya Prashant

Blaming everything on someone else has become such common that you never ever accept that it was your fault.
Lying is so prevalent that you don’t even feel any guilt about it.

The biggest lies we tell are to ourselves.

Accountability has left the chat long time ago, so it’s a lawless life.
You keep making one bad choice after another and just deal with all the inner guilt that mount up onto your heart.

The reason why I’m telling you to stop doing this because these lies are costly.
Each cost you insurmountable guilt, regret, shame and fear that ultimately leads you into deeper depression, anxiety and all sorts of mental health issues.

So do yourself a BIG favor and stop lying.
Say it what it is without any fear and let your heart unburdened.


Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight the most often, are within

– Thomas Paine


Secondly, start taking accountability of your actions. Every time you break your promise, punish yourself immediately.
It doesn’t matter anyone else does know about it or not. You are your testimony.
This practice will slowly teach you to be more disciplined and honest.
It will also increase your self-esteem as you’re being truthful to yourself.

This is the only way to get our of deep hole that you’ve put yourself into.
Your current situation is because of none but your own choices.

Do not in any circumstances fall into trap of “Fake it till you make it” and all that non sense.
There are many and I mean MANY lies floating over internet feeds. Stay away from them.

You can never make it if you’re faking it.
Truth can only exist in the absence of a Lie.
Where there is no darkness, there is light.

You don’t need any self-help if you’re constantly holding yourself accountable.

There are two ‘I’s in all of us. The first is “i” who is vulnerable, weak, afraid, jealous and fragmented.
Then there is another “I” which the part of whole.

“i” thinks that it is the only one that exists and it keeps reminding you that It is the authority in charge.
However, the “I” consists “i” because if “I” did not exist neither would “i”.

“i” is the representation of all our impulses that arises from the body.
Hunger, lust, soreness, weakness, pleasure, sadness etc.
All the temptations are “i”.

The “I” is the ultimate whole. A complete non-existence. In simpler words, the soul.
It is omnipresent. It is not material, it’s cosmos.

When “i” is denied it’s existence by i’s tool the body, it vanishes in the whole “I”.
Meaning ‘i” itself destroys “i”.


Not serving the Truth, is injustice against yourself and all living beings

– Malay Khatri

You’re not a body, you’re an unfulfilled potential.
A potential of reaching beyond imagined greatness.

So, set aside all your bodily pleasures and start fighting against yourself to truly unleash your potential.
Even you don’t have a clue of how grand you can be.

The problem is you have entangled yourself in small and petty conundrums.
The moment you being to fight the grand, you become eligible for even greater joy.
The real reward in fighting the right kind of battle is the incomparable joy and peace which is far far superior than any other pleasure you can think of.

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Malay Khatri


Vegan activist and Philosophy enthusiast

Malay Khatri

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