Mindful Living through Plants & Wisdom


The Curious Case of being Man-child & Woman-child

When people behave like a child, it’s adored instead of being frowned upon. In fact it’s desirable to be “Man-child”.
It’s stupid. If you think you’re doing something cute by behaving like a child, you’re dumb.

I’ll tell you why.

Childhood or being a child equals to being inadequate, problematic, thirsty(desire of pleasures), unable to express, foolish, longing for toys, impatient, and helpless.
All these attributes represent a characteristics of a child, or I’d say childlike mind.

A child’s instincts parallel animal behaviors. A child disregards everybody.

Child’s erratic gestures feel more painful than literal death. In childhood, fears arising from child’s obliviousness to the dangers of Fire, Water, and Air makes any pain in an emergency situation like a piece of cake.

A child falls prey to different acts of performances, undesired games, impulsive behaviors, spoiled gist. He stubbornly engages in, and blindly follows them.

A child naturally peruses fruitless work instructed by random authority, does all sorts of unwanted deeds, on top, he holds dearly to any type of Respect as a prized possession.

This way our childhood is therefore to obey the valuable advice of great masters rather than to provide pleasure and entertainment.

Just as an owl hides in a dark place during the day, all these shortcomings, immoral behaviors, all unnecessary worries rake refuge inside heart, in childhood.

Whoever thinks, “Childhood or being child-like is beautiful, pure or innocent” their intellect is wasted.
How can such childhood which constantly sways like a swing, changes its nature according to changing sensory feedbacks, be considered satisfactory?

The mind across all species is ten times more erratic in childhood than adulthood. Mind is volatile by its nature and childhood tops the chart in fickleness.
A child, like dogs, submits instantly at the slightest sign of food and cares, albeit gets displeased and scared at instant if threatened a little.

In childhood, all beings keep eating and scared of other beings. They’re always helpless, desires for things seen or unseen. Child’s mind and body stays temperamental.

Such state of mind only returns pain and suffering.
Helpless mind constantly seek things beyond its means, and gets hurt when those wishes go unfulfilled.
It imagines such pain as if someone stabbed it’s heart.

As long as childishness remains, one will always try to find meaning in meaningless things.
Heart longs for sundry wishes while it’s inner walls are brittle.
Slightest inconvenience hurts like hell.

That’s why childhood only presents pain and never any true pleasure.

All sorts of conditions spoils inner conscience in childhood.

Childishness is the perfect resting place of immodesty. That’s why in this world, childhood can never be satisfactory for anyone.

Thus, if you observe someone being “foolish” or “childlike”, remember person is being as thoughtless as one can be. It’s not “cute” it’s dumb.

Ask yourself why is it that we try to behave as a child, think about the conditions, mental state of being when we feel like acting like a baby.
These are the situations demanding the highest state of being, your most thoughtful decisions and because it’s extremely difficult to do so, we turn to being foolish.

It’s an subconscious escape of mind to get rid of difficult situation.

So, brace yourself immediately when you find yourself liking, somebody purposely acting foolish.
It’s an open displacement of someone expressing their inability to face the reality.

If you as an adult, still love or want to do the stuff what children do, there’s something seriously wrong.

Playing video games (no matter how complex or meaningful), obsession with being young, not being able to relate to other adults.
All of these signs convey your body have has turn adult but your consciousness is still of a toddler.
Do you also throw stupid tantrums when superfluous desires are not fulfilled.

Congrats you’re a child in adult’s body.

Do you want men to treat you like a child? Do you insist on being called “baby” by your boyfriend/husband?
Congrats you’re a woman-child.

Society WANTS you to be a child because it’s such an easy job to control / manipulate child.
You will never resist, nor dissent when your basic human rights are stripped away from you except throwing tantrums and crying.

Do you see the pattern here, why it is encouraged to act like a child.
Gaming industry is projected to make US$282 Billion in 2024.

Only Lego alone made almost US$2 Billion in 2023.

You’re being duped by sentiments like “oh, age is just a number” No. It’s not.

Wake up. Rebel against your government, protest for your rights.
Don’t slay the dragon, slay the CEOs.
This is the only Speedrun you should be attempting.

Imagine breaking news on the Tv
News anchor excitedly
“Today, in the state of New York, public slayed 11 Billionaires and recovered almost 30% of the GDP in stolen taxpayers money. A record yet to be broken”

Next minute
“Oh, wait a minute Jeremy. I have just got the news – France is again leading the trend, they just got their 12th billionaire out of his bunker, set his house on fire and put him onto guillotine.”

This is the kind of world I want to live in.
What are you breaking Minecraft records like a weeb. Grow a pair.

Read other articles to feel even more embarrassed about yourself and reveal all those layers of fake personality.

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Malay Khatri


Vegan activist and Philosophy enthusiast

Malay Khatri

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