If you want to work as less as possible and keep getting paid in full, beware you’re heading backwards in life.
Usually people try to stay away from something that they absolutely detest, right?
And if it’s unavoidable, what do they wish, they wish to indulge in it as little as possible, correct?
For e.g. we hated school for many reasons but our parents woke us up, got us ready, packed the lunch, threw us in the bus everyday.
We devour holidays and all the days off school.
Just the thought of leaving 15 minutes early was enough to make our day.
Likewise, as grown ups, we’re stuck in the kinds of Work that any sign of not doing it, gives us so much relief.
Misery never goes away from our lives be it childhood or adulthood.
Life is temporary, Misery is permanent in life.
In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you
– Leo Tolstoy
You never do things for the sake of doing things. You do it to get something else out of it. For instance,
You study not because you love the books but you want to a degree.
You work not because you like the work but you want a salary.
Now, Yes. Salary does afford you rent, shelter and food which is enough to survive but certainly not enough not Live.
No matter how many 0s do you put on your paycheck, there life still seems empty.
Haven’t you noticed that no matter how much do you achieve be it a career, a position, a partner the hunger just never goes away.
You’ve never been able to say No to anything in life. You keep wanting and keep wanting and keep wanting that there’s always a corner in your soul that remains empty.
Remember when the job that you currently have was the only thing you ever wished and sort of told yourself that ‘If I can just get this job, I’ll never want anything else. Life is sorted after this.”
Haven’t you felt same emotion for all of your desires. Then, how come even after achieving those milestones, you keep telling same lines for your next desires.
We need something else that cannot be chased, that is the Joy.
Joy that comes from meaningful work.
You can chase pleasure, happiness, euphoria but cannot acquire Joy.
Such policies like 4 day work week, “flexible” work locations, extra paid leaves, paid holidays etc prove that people are not content at their jobs.
People just don’t want to work anymore thus governments and employers are accommodating such “goodies” hoping that you will slave away your life so that your boss can buy one more holiday home in Bali.
The oppressed are allowed every once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent a repressed them
– Karl Marx
Now, If people really enjoyed their work, why would they demand less of it. Wouldn’t it be opposite that their job is so meaningful and purpose-driven that they keep wanting to do it more often.
Just think about it.
Let’s say out of all sweet things, you adore the chocolate covered almonds the most.
When you eat couple of them. Don’t you want to keep eating more?
Then how come, we always want to get away from our jobs as much as possible.
Why do you scan the calendar for, long weekends and holidays or work days?
Why is it the case?
Why don’t we get sad when a holiday falls on a week day?
You might say, “Duh, work life balance”
Are you sure about that?
Why is your Work and Life two different things?
If you enjoy your life, that means you don’t enjoy your work right? If it did they won’t be separate, they’d be one right.
That’s why you need to “balance” them because you like one and dislike the other.
Let me tell you something.
Work and Life should NEVER be separate.
You work should be your Life and Life should be the Work.
What else are we born for? What else there is to do if not Live.
Philosophers, intellectuals have been telling this since the dawn of time
What else this life is for but to dedicate towards Truth.
When your work becomes your life only then you truly Live, other times, you’re just surviving.
If it has not, you’ve got serious things to figure out than long weekends.
Every atom of your existence that is not serving the Truth, is injustice against yourself
– Malay Khatri