Mindful Living through Plants & Wisdom

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875 Million Animals killed for Food in April 2024 – USDA


Wondered where all the meat actually come from?
Why you have never come across a slaughterhouse in your lifetime?

we need to understand their tools.

What are these tools through which they remain ambiguous and hidden in plain sight.

The main ideology here is called the “Psychic Numbing”.
To explain it briefly, is a a psychological process by which we disconnect, mentally, and physically, from our experience; we “numb” ourselves, explains Dr. Melanie Joy in her book “Why we Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows”

Psychic Numbing has its defense mechanisms

  • Denial,
  • Invisibility
  • Routinization,
  • Justification,
  • Objectification,
  • Dissociation

In this article we’re going to discuss the Invisibility and Denial part and how it plays into our perception towards animals.



Invisibility enables us to consume animals products without envisioning the animal we’re eating.

  • It keeps us insulated from the unpleasant and gruesome process of killing animals for food.


If the problem is invisible, then there will be ethical invisibility

– Carol J. Adams



The most effect way to distort reality is to deny it;

if we tell ourselves there isn’t a problem, then we never have deal with it.
And the most effective way to deny reality is to make it invisible.

(Just how your landlord painted over the boogers over the walls thinking if you won’t see them, you won’t notice them. But you all see them clearly and get disgusted.)

  • When we avoid the truth; we avoid naming the system, which, in turn, prevents us from realizing that there even is a system.

When an ideology is entrenched, it is essentially invisible.

    • People who choose to eat meat were never given any term unlike “Vegetarians” and “Vegan”.



Vegetarianism was named more than 2500 years ago and Vegan in 1944.

But we never knew what meat eaters should be called,
as if meat eating was just the norm and other people were needed to be named.


A Carnist is someone who chooses to eat meat and animal products.

The first step to catch the criminal is to bring him into the light.


Whatever unnamed, undepicted in images… whatever is misnamed as someth8ing else, made difficult-to-come-by, whatever is buried in the memory by the collapse of meaning under an inadequate or lying language – this will become, not merely unspoken, but unspeakable.

– Adrienne Rich



Carnism is a violent ideology; it actively works to keep itself hidden.

Just to count recent data,

in April 2024 alone 875 Million animals are already slaughtered in United States, according to USDA

Let that sink in,

875 MILLION animals in 1 month.

This data doesn’t even include aquatic animals which is way more than land animals.

  • So, the question is where are they?
  • Have you seen any deadbody, blood, gore, skin, flesh of these 874 Million dead animals?
  • They were clearly raised, transported, killed, processed, somewhere right?

You’ve seen 0 if you live in the city.

Country people can also vouch they didn’t see 875 Million animals neither on road nor grazing in farms.

    • We don’t see them because they’re located in remote areas where most of us don’t venture.
    • We don’t see them because we’re not allowed access even if we do try to get in.
    • We don’t see them because their trucks are sealed and unmarked.

Erik Schlosser, investigative author of the bestselling Fast Food Nation says,

they have “no windows on the front and no architectural clues to what’s happening inside.”

We don’t see them because we’re not supposed to.

Various Ag-ag laws exists so that you, the consumer, could never know about what’s happening inside meat farms.

Ask yourself,

Why these multi-billion dollar corporations are afraid of someone taking a picture of their industrial slaughterhouses?

  • What are they hiding from you? Why do they need to?

It’s clear that if you get to have a slightest of idea of the horrors,

you’d never touch animal product again.

That’s the only reason why Ag-gag laws are put in place by corporations lobbying the government.

If you think well, these animals are well cared for,
so what’s big deal if they’re killed and turned into food, then you’re gravely mistaken.


If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian

– Paul McCartney

So, next time you’re at the grocery store, looking at a perfectly packaged animal flesh, cut, washed, bleached, injected with growth hormones and antibiotics, just stop and think for a second that was once a lively, sentient being deserving of love, kindness, and care.

Read my thoughts on Ed Winters’s book This is Vegan Propaganda to know more about lies Carnist Industry tells you.

Go vegan.

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Malay Khatri


Vegan activist and Philosophy enthusiast

Malay Khatri

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