The common argument faced by Vegans is “but animals will take over the planet if we stopped eating them.”
The answer is NO. Here’s why:
Let’s get the numbers right. How many chickens are slaughtered for food EVRERY DAY in the world ?
That’s 202 million. Let that sink in.

These are not wild chickens roaming freely in the forests.
They are forcibly bred into existence for the slaughter.
Same is the case for cows, pigs, lambs and fish.
Artificially impregnated cows are then milked away for their entire lives.
If it’s a male calf, it doesn’t suffer too much, because it doesn’t live long enough.

Male calves are killed as young as 6 months old. Yes. A 6 month old baby cow is murdered for so called “premium” “Veal”,
just another fancy term coined by Animal Industry to not let you realize the horrors they commit every single day.
Do you know What Other Misleading Terms Carnist Industry doesn’t want you to know,
God forbid if you’re baby male chick, you don’t even get to finish first 24 hours1. Straight into industrial level grinder to get crushed alive.
Now you know why animals won’t take over the world.
If you turn Vegan and stop using all animal products, these slaughterhouses will be eventually closed one by one.
Don’t believe me?
See it for yourself for e.g. Meat Giant Tyson Foods to close 4 chicken farms due to plummeting demands.