This Life’s Hard, but It’s Harder if you’re Stupid

1. The Problem The reason for all suffering lies upon the Sufferer. The moment we accept the causation behind our sufferings, we immediately become free from it. but the truth is we don’t want to be free. We love our chains because that’s the only thing we have experienced from the beginning. So, any taste […]
Less is more | Lessons from Walden by Henry David Thoreau

The Art of Simple Living has been forgotten by the masses under Capitalist Regimes and hedonistic lifestyles. An increasing amount of clutter has filled up our minds, homes, cities, landfills, and Planet. “ The mass of men lead lives of quite desperation “ – Henry David Thoreau Why is it that Henry David Thoreau […]
Empty Pursuits | Lessons from Walden by Henry David Thoreau

American Naturalist, poet, and philosopher wastes no time exposing falseness and empty triumphs of Life in his book Walden. From page 1, he sheds light on the utter hysteria that he found himself in, after returning to Concord, Massachusetts. He saw the Chinese in the acts of serving penance, while Brahmins performed “spiritual” acrobatics. He witnessed the sons of the farmers […]
Do you keep repeating your mistakes? | Insight Inside

“ Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it “ – George Santayana We make mistakes and lots of it. We all do. Then, how come some people are just simply better at learning from it and you seem to have a learning capability of a toddler. How come you keep […]
Do you even understand what Love is? | Insight Inside

Love has been subjected to Humanity’s Worst of the Worst treatments both verbally and literally. Anytime a selfish action is questioned, the answer always is “It’s out of love”. How do you know that somebody loves you? also how do you know that you love someone? We are very shameless people. We play games with […]
Do you also want 4 Day Work Week? | Insight Inside

If you want to work as less as possible and keep getting paid in full, beware you’re heading backwards in life. Usually people try to stay away from something that they absolutely detest, right? And if it’s unavoidable, what do they wish, they wish to indulge in it as little as possible, correct? For e.g. […]
Joy is the key to Success, not Pleasure | Insight Inside

Generally, you measure Success in direct proportion to how much Happiness does it give you. Right? When we look at “Successful” people, what expression do they have on their face? Happiness, right. So, we have just accepted that ‘Success = Happiness, Happiness = Success’. More Happiness = More Success. No Happiness = No Success. But […]
Rage War against your Malign Self | Insight Inside

We love to blame anything and everything for our losses, disappointments and failures. This has become so natural to us that we seldom take responsibility of our choices. I’m sure we all make mistakes occasionally and feel cheated but the truth is we cheat ourselves the most. How many times have you promised yourself to […]